Thursday, 9 May 2013


Oh My God ! He's going, at last !
Given the amount of news coverage, anyone would think that the Queen had abdicated though it's actually just a football manager retiring. Admittedly Alex Ferguson has been a hugely successful manager over a period of many years but he's still just a football club manager; in the real world, he's nobody.
Ferguson is responsible for manufacturing a single product, his team, and even that has been assembled through the availability of vast amounts of money from others; Ferguson hasn't had to spend any of his own substantial wealth on this project. That his retirement should be accompanied by the type of eulogising normally reserved for people of genuine standing demonstrates just how much football has become so ridiculously overvalued in our society.
Ferguson has his supporters but, from what I've seen, heard and read about his frequent outbursts, I'm not one of them. His behaviour towards others in the game and his sometimes appalling treatment of match officials have no place within any sport. Many may mourn his departure, but I'll be cheering all the way.