After much media attention, ex-footballer Adam Johnson has been sentenced to 6 years in prison for his offences against a 15 year old girl. I have no idea as to the rights and wrongs of the case nor as to the appropriateness of the sentence, but I do know that the latest reaction of the footballing authorities has been about as pointless and moronic as one might have expected.
Apparently, Johnson has been 'stripped' of his 12 England international 'caps'. Really ? How does that work ? He played for England on 12 occasions, the 'caps' being a tangible acknowledgment of the facts. That he played for England remains a fact; stripping him of the 'caps' is simply the 'politically correct' reaction of a bunch of pathetically stupid people who run English football. It is an utterly meaningless action unless, of course, they also intend amending all of the related team lists and other records in an attempt to pretend that Johnson never did play for his country, which lunacy I wouldn't put passed them.
Johnson has been found guilty of criminal offences and received his sentence; his footballing career is over. That is it. Nothing can change the facts that he was a successful player for both club and country and playing silly buggers with talk about 'caps' shows just how ridiculous our society has become.