Monday, 4 April 2011


Wayne Rooney may be a good footballer, though he is certainly not a great one. What he is, without any doubt, is a foul-mouthed and illiterate yob.

His manner and behaviour on the field is nothing for anyone to promote or be proud of. He may well be doing nothing more than behaving in a way that is commonplace to many people but, given the huge prominence of football in today's society, it is unacceptable. That his manager is equally, if not even more guilty, is probably his only real defence.

In this country, football has led the way in degrading our society; as the game has risen in prominence, so the moral standards of our society have declined. Players are paid obscene amounts of money for kicking a ball around, essentially for playing a child's game; they behave in a way that leads our children to believe that aggression and confrontation are the norm, that it is perfectly acceptable to challenge any decision that you don't like in a threatening manner.

While I'm quite sure that top level football is now a huge detriment to our society, what I'm not sure of is whether it is football that has led the way or other issues in our society that have created an environment in which the abominable atmosphere of senior football can thrive. Whichever it is, footballers, their managers and clubs have a duty to clean up their acts and, if they won't do it, sponsors and broadcasters should take the matter out of their hands.

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