Sunday, 15 April 2012


For reasons unknown to any sane person, the referee in the FA Cup semi-final between Chelsea and Tottenham awarded a goal to Chelsea when the ball cannot possibly have crossed the line. The massed ranks of the interested parties who run football have consistently refused to allow the use of so-called 'goal-line technology', similar to that already employed in top-level Rugby Union, Cricket and Tennis; why, is anyone's guess.

This blatant error must surely be the final nail in the coffin of these antediluvian 'nay-sayers'. Given the shocking wrongness of the referee's decision, it would have been more than understandable had Tottenham been so distracted that they conceded a further goal within moments, effectively ending the contest with more than half an hour to go. Fortunately they did not and, in fact, came back to score themselves within a couple of minutes and the game retained it's life.

Regardless of this, and before the result is known, I write these lines in the feint hope that there will never again be such a travesty in any game of football in this country.

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