Sunday, 17 June 2012


As we get ever closer to the abomination that is the modern Olympic games, the more the news causes one to despair.

It seems that a large number of individuals in positions of power within the Olympic movement have been able to acquire allocations of tickets which they have been offering for sale on the 'black market' at vastly inflated prices. It's even been said that a Greek representative apparently formed some sort of agreement with that bastion of British Olympic sport, Sebastian Coe, a man of impeccable standing, at least in political circles.

Why the obvious fraudulent activities of a throng of Olympic officials should surprise anyone is a mystery to me. In common with organisations such as FIFA, the IOC is as corrupt as it is possible to be; these international organisations are run by self-serving individuals, many of whom have only one aim - to enrich themselves. Why this country degrades itself by membership is beyond me.

Sadly, it is also the case that the double standards of the Olympic movement are not limited to its less worthy members. Over recent months, we have been subjected to assorted advertisements from banks and utility companies, among others, offering Olympic tickets as a sweetener for moving accounts and services. How can banks, utility companies and any other similar organisations have gained access to Olympic tickets ? Are not these tickets for sale to the general public only, or are they simply available to the highest bidder in a commercial market created by the Olympic committee ? Whatever the answer, the system is wrong. It is not only wrong, it is corrupt.

The original Olympic ideal has been subverted by greed and corruption. It is time for the modern Olympics to be abandoned and for a return to the true Olympian spirit. Until that happens, the games will remain a travesty and the people, including us, will pay for a quadrennial beanfeast for a very few, very rich and powerful crooks.

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