Thursday, 30 August 2012


At the risk of being considered something unholy, I have to say that the nonsense that is the 'Paralympics' really is farcical.
I do not decry the efforts and performances of those with assorted disabilities who strive to be the best that they can, but the manner in which disabled sport is categorised makes the whole notion of an Olympics for the disabled ridiculous. Arguments over the precise categorisation of competitors arise regularly, with some medals undoubtedly hanging on the outcome of decisons by categorisation committees, or whoever it is who determines these things. The use of ever more sophisticated technology renders true comparisons between performances impossible and adds to the overall confusion.
These games have a vast number of medals available in order to cater for the vast range of categories into which competitors are placed. There must be some events in which there are only a handful of entrants, making the chances of any one of them gaining a prized medal much better than in others, and certainly much better than in the real Olympic Games.
This nonsense has gone much too far and needs to be scaled back.


Anonymous said...

I agree totally with you.....seems as though we all have ailments or slight muscle impediments which rightfully qualify us for placement in the parallelize

Anonymous said...

I agree totally with you.....seems as though we all have ailments or slight muscle impediments which rightfully qualify us for placement in these so called para olympics