Apparently, the ECB has delayed announcing its squad for the forthcoming Test series in India amid a certain amount of speculation. It's being said that one reason for the delay may be that there are negotiations being conducted with Kevin Pietersen over his recent actions with a view to him being included in the squad.
Excuse me, as they say, but since when does a selectorial body have to hold 'negotiations' with those whom it is considering for selection ? If this is, indeed, the reason why the ECB's announcement has been delayed it serves only to show how weak they are as a ruling body. Pietersen may be a potentially match-winning batsman but he is also a loose cannon and a liability; he would not be the first and won't be the last such to be discarded by his national side and he won't actually be missed.
The trouble is that the 'win at all costs' mentality is currently holding sway at the ECB and they seem prepared to do almost anything in order to get this man back in the team, for good or ill. That it will ultimately be 'for ill' has escaped them in their desperate rush for fleeting glory.
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