Yesterday I read the news that the use of netting may be introduced at football grounds. This has nothing to do with the goals, but would be intended to protect players from the unwanted attentions of unruly spectators.
At a time when we have regular complaints of racism towards players, and high profile police investigations as a result, it's now been suggested that netting should be introduced in order to protect players from objetcs thrown towards the pitch. What this all says to me is that football is becoming far too significant in our society, a sure sign of overall decline.
The animalistic behaviour of many players has increased exponentially as the money to be made from this game has risen. Players foul and cheat as part of the normal game and shout abuse at each other and the officials as a matter of course. That this behaviour has fueled an increasingly sectarian response on the terraces is hardly surprising; spectators use whatever 'tools' they can find in order to encourage their own team while abusing and discouraging their opponents.
Spectators are now routinely filmed in order to catch those who misbehave and may soon be confronted by netting in order to prevent thenm throwing objects on to the pitch; next, it will undoubtedly be metal railings. How can this be considered civilized ? How can football be considered any longer to be a sport ? It is ritualised savagery, warfare between opposing factions and yet millions are now wedded to it.
There was a time when sport was just that, a pastime for the masses which gave them relief from the weekly drudgery of their working lives. More recently, a range of sports has been accorded an entirely different status and position in our society and some, like football, are wholly out of control. In ancient Rome, 'The Games' and similar spectacles became greater and greater as that mighty empire raced headlong towards barbarism and eventual collapse.
We should all beware lest we are headed down the same road.
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